Large scale rennovation of this Flower Mound home. Removed two ancient 9 ft. glass sliding doors and replaced them with a 6ft. picture window and a 6′ Atrium door. Installed wood laminate flooring on all of the downstairs floors with new colonial base molding. Painted the base moldings and walls as required by the addition of the door and window. Tore out the existing upstairs Master Bath shower stall and installed new designer tile, faucet and trim accents. Re-painted the bathroom walls and installed new toilets in all three bathrooms.
“I received multiple quotes for my rather extensive remodeling project. It seemed like most of the quotes were from companies that were either reasonably priced but seemed unprofessional OR were professional but extremely expensive. Handy@Home was by far the best combination of value and professionalism of all of the people and companies we spoke with. We’re very pleased with our new floors, baseboards, patio doors, picture window, and master bathroom. There were NO cost surprises — everything was exactly as they spelled out in their proposal, and he went out of their way to make sure we were satisfied.
1498110656-B. Icard
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